Dive into a selection of my design projects! Here, you'll find a glimpse into my process and how I bring ideas to life.
Mobile Shopping Experience
I have been hired by a leading online clothing retailer to improve their user experience for finding the perfect fitting jeans. The company has received feedback from users about the difficulty they face in finding jeans that fit well.
As a UI/UX designer, my task is to design an improved interface that addresses this problem and makes the shopping experience more efficient and enjoyable.
The task:
How can you assist customers in selecting the style of jeans in the right size?
Mobile Design
Ai Maintenance Mobile App
Design a digital solution to provide predictive maintenance insights for an airline mechanic.
The solution should allow a mechanic to access multiple data sources in real time to predict asset failure or quality issues to avoid costly downtime and reduce maintenance costs.
Enterprise Solution
Mobile Design
Financial Dashboard
I have been assigned to create a financial dashboard for the CFO of a global appliance company.
The task:
Design a dashboard that displays three main charts or cards: gross profit, net profit, and revenue metrics. The dashboard should also allow the CFO to view the data through different key metrics, including the time period, type of goods sold, channel of distribution, country of distribution, and currency.
Web Design
SaaS Platform